# mbalPredByOoip.R
get_mbal_model <- function(model) {
# function to get the model filename
models_dir <- system.file("models", package = "rOpenserver")
model_file <- file.path(models_dir, model)
if (!file.exists(model_file)) stop("Model not found ...") else
# Enter the OOIP and write to MBAL.
ooip <- 300
# Initialize OpenServer
mbal_server <- newOpenServer()
# Start Prosper
cmd = "MBAL.START"
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# MBAL opens files a little bit different. The filename needs to be surrounded
# with # double quote not single quotes as in Prosper or GAP
model_file <- get_mbal_model(model = "oil.mbi") # get the model filename
open_cmd <- 'MBAL.OPENFILE' # OpenServer command
open_cmd <- paste0(open_cmd, '("', model_file, '")') # compose the command
DoCmd(mbal_server, open_cmd) # open the model
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DoSet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TANK.OOIP", ooip) # write value to MBAL
# run prediction
DoSlowCmd(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.RUNPREDICTION") # send command
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date <- openserver_to_date(DoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$].TIME"))
oil_rf <- rDoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$].OILRECOVER")
oil_rate <- rDoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$].OILRATE")
gas_rate <- rDoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$].GASRATE")
wat_rate <- rDoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$].WATRATE")
tank_pres <- rDoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$].TANKPRESS")
watercut <- rDoGet(mbal_server, "MBAL.MB.TRES[2][0][$]WATCUT")
# build tidy dataframe and plot all variables
df <- data.frame(date, oil_rf, oil_rate, gas_rate, wat_rate, tank_pres, watercut)
df_gather <- gather(df, var, value, oil_rf:watercut)
ggplot(df_gather, aes(x=date, y = value, color = var)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(var~., scales = "free_y")

# shutdown MBAL
Sys.sleep(3) # wait 3 seconds
command = "MBAL.SHUTDOWN"
mbal_server$DoCmd(command) # send command
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mbal_server <- NULL # clean OpenServer process